Thursday 18 September 2014


1) In my research and planning I have learned a lot about album cover conventions and how people in them are represented. A series called hip-hop honeys was showed to us and it gave me a very good understanding of how people are represented in the media these days. I also evaluated two different album covers in great detail. This helped give me a better understanding of how they are laid out. For example the titles on an album cover are 90 percent of the time located near the top. The font of the title has to be in a bold font or large font, just so that it stands out and isn’t hard to read for the audience. There also has to be an image of some sort, whether it is the artist or just an image that gives an idea of what type of genre the album is. These images normally take up the whole of the front and back of the album cover, just to make it easier for customers to view it. There should also be some sort of copyright symbol to tell the customers that they cant copy anything from the album. All of the ideas that I have picked out from my research I have taken into account when making my album cover. For example the title of mine is located at the bottom and and the artist names are located at the top. I also have a main image in the middle that stands out well. 

2) With my album cover I wish to have the genre aimed at dance/electro house. I had included two images that are of two people in my class and have been taken using the schools camera. I placed them either sides of the album cover. I also worked a lot on colours on my album cover. For example all images have been tweaked with to make them look a different colour. I did this with the main image so that it is now in black and white. I did all of this to make the album cover look more interesting and appealing to the audience of the genre. 

3) For my album cover I had two pictures taken of two people in my class. In both pictures they are smirking and have a grin on the faces. This shows that they are cocky and full of themselves. My album cover is aimed at both male and female. The colours used make it easier to appeal to both genders. For example my album cover consists of black and pink. The pink is dark so not too feminine and would still attract men. The back cover consists of the same colours so would attract both genders.
